envelopeSales@AusRadioComms.com.au phone07 32770237
“iAIS is a simple AIS target plotter designed for use with DigitalYachts iAIS WiFi receiver or any of our other Wireless NMEA products if they are connected to an AIS system.”
iAIS is a simple AIS target plotter designed for use with DigitalYachts iAIS WiFi receiver or any of our other Wireless NMEA products if they are connected to an AIS system. iAIS is a fun and interesting App for anyone onboard a boat fitted with one of our Wireless AIS systems, allowing other vessels to be seen, tracked and identified.
A new version of Digital Yacht’s iAIS app is now available that supports a background layer of charting utilising the popular and detailed Navionic’s charts. What’s more, there’s no requirement to re-purchase charts as long as you have a current Navionic’s subscription and app on the iOS device. The Navionic’s charting layer can be enabled with a low cost in app purchase.
AIS targets are plotted relative to iPhone/iPod/iPad position. Tapping on an AIS target displays details (i.e. speed, course, destination, type, length, etc.).
iAIS is also useful for testing a wireless NMEA system as it can show the raw wireless NMEA data (either TCP or UDP data packets) that is being transmitted by the wireless server.